Gabbeh Rug - Indus - Mountain - rectanglefrom 208 US$
387 US$
(105 Rugs)
Discover the Beauty of Natural Rugs. Add Warmth and Comfort to Your Home.
Like old paintings, some rugs are reminiscent of vintage times while others are fresh and stylish. These natural fibre rugs provide elegance, cosiness, and warmth to the room. They often mirror the interior and set clear accents into the home.
There are many natural rugs, from high-craftsmanship oriental rugs and single-coloured examples to woven rugs and rugs with high piles and easy-care, smoothly woven kilims. Rug weaving has a long tradition. Before valuable examples that Alexander the Great took with him as war booty. He also took hand-knotted or woven rug stories with him that tell of rich cultures and are still sought after luxury coveted luxury objects to this day.
If you love sustainability and simple, clear design, a natural fibre rug is definitely for you. When choosing your natural fibre rug, you can choose from a range of noble and robust designs (woven, plush, tufted rugs).
A rug is a fundamental part of any room. It determines the play of colours in a room and can create an overall harmonious effect. A striking primary colour or a decorative pattern, together with the furniture and chandeliers to create an overall effect, are perfect for the quiet after the day or reading a book in the evening.
It depends on what you need and want. A utility rug rustic style may look entirely different for you, depending on the type of flooring you are looking for.
Our natural rugs are the perfect choice for your needs! They come in various shapes, from round, oval, to square.
Rugs have a lot to offer. They can be used for different purposes, and they are both free of harmful substances and hard-wearing. These rugs are perfect for people who want a comfortable place to relax without constantly having to worry about the safety of their children or home.
There are three natural fibre rug material types- virgin wool, cork wool, and silk. A woollen rug made from warm resistant and rich in fats are used for knitting and weaving. On the other hand, silk is made from long thin threads that resist tears. You only need to choose what you prefer most based on your desired ambience and house style.
A natural fibre rug can be designed as a fine silk weave or a robust woven floor covering. You can choose a large room or opt for a smaller format and deliberately set cosy accents. A natural fibre rug gives the room character and lives with you, making it more comfortable and relaxing to live in.
When it comes to caring, you should always follow the manufacturer's instructions. Some rugs can even be machine-washed, while others may react sensitively to different types of cleaners. At Stain remover & Co., we use caution when using this product as it is not uncommon for the colour of the natural fibre rug to change.
The wow effect is created when you enter a room where everything is just right. A natural fibre rug combined with furnishing elements creates the unique world you desire, and happiness can lie on the rug."