Benefits & Guarantee

Your Benefits

Your Benefits

MORGENLAND® sees itself as a globally operating representative of high-quality rug products that exclusively appeal to almost any ambiance. Here, brand quality meets exquisite and hand-knotted floor coverings, as if from a tale from one thousand and one nights. The old country-specific weaving art of European productions can already be culturally and developmentally distinguished from the flat weavings of Oriental rugs. Persian rugs are part of the world’s cultural heritage and consistently achieve price increases as collector’s items. Thus, the most expensive rug in the world to date, an antique Persian rug named ’Clark Sichelblatt’ from the 17th century, was auctioned for a remarkable 34 million euros. The most well-known German rug is also from the same time period, namely the ’Kerman Vasenteppich’. Here, the traditionally patterned differences of various fabrics are already evident, reflecting individual eras and styles like paintings within the visual arts. Whether it’s the flying rug from Aladdin’s magic lamp, the Golden Fleece, or Penelope, who meticulously performs her weaving art, the rug always takes center stage in our lives.

Reviews for Morgenland Rugs

Super fast delivery and a really beautiful rug. Thank you for that! We will order here again!

5 Star

Everything was very good! The rug was delivered very quickly and meets my expectations considering the low price!

5 Star

I would give 5 stars for the selection at Morgenland Rugs. Wonderful selection, great advice, and excellent service.

5 Star

MORGENLAND® Guarantees

At Morgenland Rugs, we want to ensure that you have a simple, secure, and relaxed online shopping experience. That’s why we offer you a range of payment options as well as free delivery within Germany.

MORGENLAND® Guarantees
Effortless & Simple

Effortless & Simple

Our sales service for you at a glance. Quality speaks for itself, and that’s why MORGENLAND® exclusively collaborates with reputable rug dealers. Here, you get the exquisite selection that is committed. In our showroom, you can always take a closer look at the rugs and also receive a free and non-binding consultation from our specialists. The right choice of rug always emphasizes personal taste and interior style. Furthermore, after a certain time interval, we provide our customers with a free complete cleaning of the rug. High-quality products should be handled high-quality and uncomplicated, and nothing is too much for our loyal clientele. We would be happy to advise you in a personal conversation, which you can contact us in writing or by phone at any time. Our experts would be very pleased to receive a call from you.

Direct Purchase From the Seller

MORGENLAND® also wants to convey the fascination of high-quality rugs to you, our customers. In addition to a huge selection of cultural-historical witnesses from the expanses of the Orient, you have various rugs and patterns available, from modern wool rugs to nomadic woven rugs to fascinating unique pieces. This starts with the selection of high-quality materials, which fundamentally distinguishes natural materials from synthetic fibers. With the necessary quality work, high-quality materials such as sisal, hemp, cotton, jute, or natural hair are processed into a net and fabric that is second to none in a wall hanging. In fact, wall hangings were used for such decorative purposes in the past. However, experience has shown that weaving technique does the most creative work here. Whether machine-made, hand-knotted, or woven, in the end, for handmade goods, the knot density per square meter is particularly important. This so-called La value is lower the finer and denser the fabric is knotted. This in turn speaks for the quality of the handmade rug. When buying directly from the dealer

Direct Purchase From the Seller

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