Rug under the table: Basics for the perfect dining room

30 October, 2024

Rug under the table: Basics for the perfect dining room

The dining room is a place for chatting, laughing, eating and enjoying. It creates a space for coming together and for community, the underlying qualities of which can be brought to the visible surface with a little skill.

A rug in the dining room is a useful addition to your interior. It gives the room a colorful texture while providing warmth and comfort. With a variety of designs and styles to choose from, anyone can breathe new and stylish life into this somewhat dusty living area.

Form follows function

The size of the rug is crucial to the feel of the room. If it's too small, the room will feel incomplete; if it's too big, it may end up dominating the interior. You want a rug that can accommodate all the dining chairs, even when they are pushed all the way back.

A round or oval rug fits perfectly under a round or oval dining table, while a rectangular or square table often looks better with a rug in a corresponding shape. However, these are not dogmas; any aesthetic rule can be broken according to your own preference.

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

When choosing a dining room rug, you should always consider the overall look of the room. What colors are already used on the walls, and what is the strongest inspiration?

Color has a significant influence on the atmosphere of a room. Darker colors feel cozy and elegant, while lighter tones spread liveliness and freshness.

If you want to be on the safe side, just choose a mid-tone that is both calming and inspiring to you.


Another important aspect to consider when choosing a rug is the pattern. Here, too, the question arises as to whether the room could do with a little more calm or perhaps significantly more life.

For example, if you find a modern room a little boring, an abstract pattern could help to liven it up. On the other hand, in a traditional interior, you could choose a classic design à la Persian rug. The possibilities are numerous.

Material World

When choosing the material, functionality plays a significant role in terms of suitability for everyday use.

Since the dining area tends to get dirty, flat-woven or low-pile rugs and models made of natural fibers such as jute and sisal, as well as synthetic fibers such as polypropylene, polyamide or polyacrylic, have proven to be advantageous.

They are durable and usually easy to clean.

However, if your table is always kept in a civilized manner and you don't mind cleaning the rug from time to time (or having it cleaned), then the full spectrum of sensuality is of course available to you - in the form of rugs made of all kinds of wool and other materials.


To conclude, choosing the right rug for your dining area is important from both an aesthetic and practical point of view. Carefully selected, it can enhance the room, making it cosier, while also protecting it from everyday wear and tear.

Whether you choose natural or synthetic fibers, the right dining room rug is sure to keep your feet warm and ensure many cozy dinners!

The ideal dining room rug is a matter of taste. Choose the one that suits your style and your way of life. Just be careful not to clutter the dining area.

Let it breathe. Enjoy your meal!

Frequently Asked Questions

Generally speaking, it should be large enough to comfortably accommodate the table and all the chairs, even when pushed back.

When choosing the material for a rug under the dining room table, ease of care is often the main consideration. Flat-woven rugs or models made of durable materials such as sisal or jute are ideal because they are easy to clean. Synthetic fibers such as polypropylene can also be advantageous because they are stain resistant and easy to keep clean.

When it comes to minor soiling, it is important to act immediately. Liquids should be carefully dabbed up and not rubbed to prevent them from spreading. The affected area can then be treated with lukewarm water and a mild detergent. Special rug cleaners can be helpful for stubborn stains.

With love
From Morgenland Team

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