Disposal and recycling of rugs

21 October, 2024

Disposal and recycling of rugs

Environmentally friendly disposal of rugs

The environmentally friendly disposal of rugs is an important issue that is becoming increasingly important.

Simply throwing away old rugs pollutes the environment and wastes valuable resources.

Cheap rugs often consist of mixed synthetic yarns that cannot be recycled without unreasonable effort.

That is why many rugs end up in the local waste incinerator.

But how can you dispose of rugs sustainably?

Some tips and approaches for environmentally friendly disposal of your old rug can be found here.

What can be disposed of in the trash?

Many people dispose of old rugs or torn-out carpeting as bulky waste.

The municipal waste collection service often takes discarded rugs and carpeting with it, but it is not obliged to do so.

Pay particular attention to the permissible rug size when you put the rug in the bulky waste.

Small rugs can be disposed of in the residual waste bin if it is large enough.

If the rug does not fit in the residual waste bin, it can be registered for bulky waste.

Some rugs are contaminated with foreign substances.

If, for example, you have used your old living room rug during a renovation and it has been contaminated with paint and varnish residues,

it is automatically classified as construction waste or hazardous waste.

Disposal must be carried out in accordance with this classification.

Recycling and reusing

Recycling is an important step in disposing of rug in an environmentally friendly way.

An important step in disposing of rug in an environmentally friendly way is recycling.

Some rug manufacturers and specialized recycling companies offer programs for taking back old rug and recycling the materials.

Check with your rug retailer or search online for recycling options in your area.

If recycling is not an option, you should consider reusing it.

An old rug can be reused in various places in the house or garden, for example as a rug in the garage,

as a protective mat in the garden shed or to insulate the cellar.

An old rug can also still be useful in a holiday home or when camping.

Donate, give away or sell?

There are many charitable organizations and social institutions that are happy to receive donations in kind.

A well-preserved rug can still be useful in a youth center, an animal shelter or a refugee shelter.

Think about whether someone else might need your rug before you throw it away.

If you want to get rid of a small patchwork rug from Ikea, you should throw it in the residual waste. However, if you have a Nepalese or Persian rug that is no longer beautiful or old and that you want to get rid of because you are moving, it may still have some resale value. If you want to sell it for a good price, you can either put it on Ebay or in a local classifieds ad. Supermarkets often have bulletin boards where free offers can be posted.

Proper disposal

If a rug is really no longer usable, it must be disposed of properly.

Many cities and municipalities offer the disposal of bulky waste, which also includes rugs.

Find out from the local waste collection service about the exact regulations and dates.

Another option is disposal via the recycling center.

There, the rugs are often accepted for a small fee and disposed of properly.

It is important to cut the rug into small pieces beforehand to make it easier to handle.

Special disposal services

There are specialized service companies that offer to pick up and dispose of rugs.

Although these services often come at a cost, they take care of everything for you.

The companies pick up the rug from your home and dispose of it in an environmentally friendly manner.

Tips for preparation

Before you dispose of your rug, you should do some preparation.

Vacuum the rug thoroughly to remove dirt and dust.

Cut the rug into manageable pieces to make it easier to transport and process.

Make sure that no edges or sharp objects stick out to avoid injuries.


Disposing of rugs in an environmentally friendly way is no easy task, but with the right steps, you can dispose of your old rug sustainably.

Whether you recycle, reuse, donate or dispose of it properly, every step helps to protect the environment and save valuable resources.

Remember that even small changes can have a big impact.

With love
From Morgenland Team

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