Rugs cleaning home remedy

29 November, 2023

Rugs cleaning home remedy

Expensive drugstore products are not necessary for cleaning rugs. In addition, it is always better for the environment and the treated material to do without the use of chemical pistols. Simple home remedies are quite sufficient and do the job equally, saving you time and money. A good tip to make it more difficult for stains to penetrate the fibers of the rug is a commercially available impregnation spray. After some time, even with careful handling, rugs no longer look particularly homely and should be cleaned. The following tips will simplify cleaning your rug with home remedies and freshen up its appearance.

Rug-cleaning home remedies

1. vinegar-based solution

Vinegar is a reliable tool for cleaning rugs with stains. To do this, mix water and vinegar in equal parts and dab the solution on the affected area. After that, the treatment will provide a stain-free and clean rug. It is best to try the solution first on a spot that is not easily visible to see how much the remedy bleaches the color of the rug. Optimally, use the home remedy only on light-colored rugs.

2. detergent-based solution

Detergent or washing powder solution helps to clean the rug and give it a pleasant smell. To do this, sprinkle some detergent powder on the surface of the rug and massage it into the fibers with a brush. The agent should be given some time to absorb the dirt and work. After that, use a vacuum cleaner to suck up the powder and the rug will shine in new splendor. When applying, you should use white or color detergent, depending on the color of the rug. Glass cleaner helps with stubborn stains and is considered a universal cleaner for stain removal on rugs.

3. club soda remover

Club soda has stain-removing powers and is often used as an all-purpose cleaner. Generally speaking, mineral water is a useful first-aid remedy for stain removal on a dirty rug. It doesn't matter what kind of stain it is. From red wine stains to a drop of coffee, a little water can clean up the unfortunate spots for now. If this is not enough for stain removal, choose between the rest of the presented ways to clean the rug with home remedies.

5. random DIY options

Shaving cream is an exceptionally helpful remedy for odors and food stains. Basic cleaning of a rug can be done excellently with the help of shaving foam. To do this, spray on the foam and give the product some time to soak in. With the help of a brush, the foam can be massaged into the fibers. Then wash the rug with a cloth using lukewarm water. Make sure that the shaving foam does not contain methanol and dyes. Salt is ideal for combating dark red wine stains.

To do this, put some salt on the affected area and wait until it turns red and absorbs the red wine. The salt can then be absorbed. The faster you act as described, the higher the chances of success in removing the stains completely. Soda helps to treat stubborn discolorations and stains easily. The best way to do this is to put a little liquid soda on a cloth or rag already wet with warm water and rub it on the affected area.

This procedure can be repeated several times, it is recommended to wear rubber gloves. Finally, wipe the treated area well with the rinsed cloth and warm water. The treatment should quickly show the first results and the stains should disappear. Lemon juice is best for combating stains on light-colored rugs. The stain will be bleached by the citric acid, thus lightening the affected area.

Baking soda is another miracle remedy to counteract coffee stains on rugs in particular. In addition, the agent gives the material a fresh and pleasant smell. Sprinkle the soda powder evenly on the stain and spray it with a water spray bottle. Afterward, let the spot dry and vacuum up the powder residue with a vacuum cleaner. Ice is excellent for removing chocolate and chewing gum stains. If the chocolate freezes, it can be easily broken out of the fibers of the rug.


As a preventive measure, a rug can be treated with impregnating spray to make it more difficult for stains to find their way into the fibers. Furthermore, it is important to know that for each type of stain there is a suitable home remedy. Mineral water is suitable for combating fresh stains. Baking soda and baking powder help to get rid of coffee stains and salt is a miracle cure for fresh red wine stains. Chocolate or chewing gum stains are best removed with ice. An application of lemon juice is mainly suitable for stains on light-colored rugs.

The correct technique for stain removal is of great importance. In most cases, solvents of any kind should first be dabbed onto the rug and not rubbed. Further, stain treatment should be immediate for maximum removal success. This can be done quickly with water or soda. For the best possible effect, give the cleaning agents some time to work. When treating, always proceed from the edge toward the center of the stain.

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