Giardia in the rug: How long do they survive and what can pet owners do?

20 October, 2024

Giardia in the rug: How long do they survive and what can pet owners do?

Giardia are intestinal parasites that affect both humans and animals, often causing digestive problems such as diarrhea and vomiting. As a pet owner, you are not only concerned about the health of your dog or cat, but also about the cleanliness of your home – especially the rugs. If your pet is infected with Giardia, it is important to know how long these parasites can survive in rugs and what you can do to effectively get rid of them.

How long do Giardia survive in carpeting?

The length of time Giardia survive depends heavily on the environmental conditions in the home.

In damp and cool environments, Giardia cysts can survive for up to eight weeks.

Moisture provides the parasites with an ideal breeding ground, allowing them to thrive in carpeting, furniture, and other textiles.

In a dry, warm environment, however, Giardia have significantly poorer chances of survival and often die after just a few days.

A well-ventilated, dry apartment is therefore less susceptible to the long-term spread of the parasites.

However, if the apartment is damp or the rug remains wet for a long time, Giardia can survive in the rug for several weeks and pose a risk of new infections.

How do pets get infected with Giardia?

Dogs and cats become infected with Giardia when they come into contact with contaminated surfaces or ingest cysts from infected feces.

This can happen when they are out walking, in the park or even at home if the infected animal spreads the parasites around the house.

Giardia can also be transmitted in the following ways:

  • licking contaminated surfaces

  • drinking contaminated water (e.g. from puddles or lakes)

  • sharing toys or food bowls with an infected animal

Once your pet is infected, it can spread the parasites throughout your home unnoticed, especially on rugs, where it likes to rest.

Steps to remove Giardia from rugs

If you discover that your pet has Giardia, you should take the following measures to

remove the parasites from your rug and keep your home clean:

1. Deep clean

First, vacuum the rug thoroughly to remove loose dirt, hair and dust. This will reduce the amount of dirt before you start the deep clean. Vacuum frequently while your pet is being treated to prevent further spread.

2. Hot water cleaning

Giardia cysts are resistant to many disinfectants but are sensitive to heat. Cleaning the rug with a steam cleaner (hot water extraction) is one of the most effective methods of killing Giardia. The steam cleaner should reach a temperature of at least 70°C to completely kill the parasites.

3. Disinfection

Use a pet-friendly disinfectant that is effective against Giardia. Products containing quaternary ammonium compounds or a bleach solution (for hard surfaces) can kill Giardia. However, make sure that the disinfectant is suitable for rugs and does not attack the material. Always test a small area of the rug first.

4. Dry

After cleaning, allow the rug to dry completely, as Giardia can survive in damp environments. Use fans or a dehumidifier to speed up the drying process. The faster the rug dries, the less chance the Giardia have of surviving.

5. Frequent pet bathing

During and after treatment, bathe your pet regularly to minimize the risk of reinfection. Also, wash your pet's bedding and toys with hot water to kill any remaining Giardia cysts.

Preventing future infections

After you have cleaned your rug, you should take preventive measures to avoid future infections.

Here are some measures you can take:

  • Regular cleaning: Vacuum and clean the rug and areas where your pet spends time.

  • Frequently wash your pet's items: Wash your pet's bedding and toys regularly with hot water and a suitable disinfectant.

  • Avoid puddles and standing water: Don't let your pet drink from puddles or ponds, as Giardia are often found there.

  • Practice good hygiene: Wash your hands thoroughly after contact with your pets or their excrement.


Giardia can survive in rugs for up to several weeks, but you can effectively eliminate the parasites through thorough cleaning and care.

With the help of heat, disinfectants and good hygiene, you can keep your home free of Giardia and protect yourself and your pets from new infections.

Regular cleaning and a clean environment for your pet will help minimize the risk of re-infestation and ensure a healthy home for everyone.

With love
From Morgenland Team

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